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Outline of day | Shareholder meetings | Share Information

Outline of the 23th Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting

We hope things are going well with you. We sincerely appreciate your patronage.

Our company held the 23th ordinary general meeting of shareholders on June 28, 2017. Shareholders having 74.58% of voting shares (including letters of proxy) participated in the meeting. Thank you very much.

At the general meeting, the chairperson reported the business performance in the 23th term.

After the reporting of business performance and the session of questions & answers, the following items were approved as planned.

Proposal No.1:
The Election of 10 Directors
Proposal No.2:
The Election of one (1) Corporate Auditors
Proposal No.3:
The Election of accounting auditors

At the general meeting of shareholders and the reporting session, we received really valuable opinions and advices from shareholders. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks. We will not forget your opinions, and reflect them in our daily work.
Our basic CSR policy defines our mission as using our stores to eliminate the information disparities (bridging the so-called "digital divide") that arise from differences in the age, gender, income, education, place of residence, and other factors of local customers. In accordance with this policy, we will improve quality control at stores and expand our products and services so that we attract more customers. We will also increase the level of safety of Internet devices and Internet data networks. In this way, we will promote group management from a CSR perspective.
We humbly ask for your further guidance and encouragement going forward.


June 28, 2017
Takahisa Nojima, President and Chief Executive Officer

The 23th Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting

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